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Guest Artist: Patrica Tedford


VOICE FOR ACTORS - $280.00+hst

Beginners - Saturdays 10:30-1pm
July 13, 20, 27, Aug 10

Intermediate/Advanced-Fridays 10:30-1pm
July 12, 19, 26, Aug 9

Those who have worked Patricia or have taken voice training before may apply for Intermediate/Advanced section. See below for more information, or please email

Connectivity Voice Classes

Get in the Zone. Free your breath, your body, and your imagination with deep, connective voice work. Discover and reveal your authentic voice using breath, grounding and human connection. Learn how to play truthfully in the zone to elevate your auditions and your performances as you tune yourself to the creative potential of every moment.


This is a good tune-up for those of you familiar with Linklater Technique, as well as a great introduction to those of you who want to discover the benefits of being connected, accessing primary emotions, getting present and staying present and "in-the-moment."


(Note: seats are limited, so apply ASAP or before July 5th)


Patricia Tedford has been an actor, director and voice teacher for over thirty years. She has taught Acting and Voice in Ottawa (University of Ottawa, St. Lawrence College, and Algonquin college), in Sudbury (Laurentian University), and in Toronto (University of Toronto, Toronto Film School and York University). Patricia is a certified yoga instructor who incorporates methods from Kristin Linklater, Patsy Rodenburg, Fitzmaurice, Laban, Yoga, Alexander Technique and Judith Koltai’s Embodied Practice in her approach to voice. She holds a BFA (Concordia) and MFA in Acting and Voice Teacher Diploma (York) studying with David Smukler and David Rotenberg. Patricia is the only certified Acting and Voicing in Archetypes teacher in Canada. She also trained in Richmond Virginia and Cape Cod with Janet Rogers and Frankie Armstrong, and has led Voicing in Archetypes workshops in Canada, Austria and Taiwan.

     Patricia has directed numerous productions at TFS and Laurentian University. A favourite film project, Perspective was developed in yearly chapters over nine years. The Founder/Artistic Director/Producer of Ottawa Lunchbox Theatre 2002-2006, and Text Me Productions since 2011, favourite productions include Faith Healer and Shakespeare’s Will. Her first full length play, St Ella of the Camino was written, produced and performed in 2019 with Text Me Productions.

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Toronto, Ontario  M6J 2R9



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